Winnisquam Career Center
Winnisquam Career Center
The Winnisquam Career Center will soon be recruiting for the 2024-25 school year
The former Winnisquam Ag Center has a new name, a new look and now more to offer regional high school students.
- We’ve enhanced our traditional offerings and broadened our career connections by adding two new CTE programs
- Our newly expanded and renovated building is designed to give students a cutting-edge, career-focused educational experience
WiCC students can:
- Collect postsecondary credits and training hours
- Earn Industry Certifications
- Gain Workplace Experience
- Jumpstart their college and career ambitions
WiCC career pathway programs are available at no cost to high school students from: Winnisquam Regional, Belmont, Franklin, Gilford, Inter-Lakes, Laconia and Merrimack Valley high schools.
Regional home schooled, private school and public charter school students also are eligible for enrollment.
To Learn More:
- Talk to your school counselor
- Watch for WiCC recruitment presentations in February at your home high school
- Check back at this site for important recruitment information and updates