Title 1

What Does TITLE I Do?

The Winnisquam School District receives a Title I grant annually from the Federal government as part of ESSA  (Every Student Succeeds Act, 2015).  The purpose of these funds is to ensure that all children in selected schools have a fair and equal opportunity to succeed and meet the state’s challenging academic standards.  School eligibility is based on the number of free and reduced lunches served and census data.  In our district, Southwick, Winnisquam Regional Middle School and Winnisquam Regional High School are school-wide Title I schools. Sanbornton Central School is a Targeted Title I school.  

Our school-wide schools have a Title I program that serves all children. All staff, resources, and classes are part of the overall schoolwide program. The purpose is to generate high levels of academic achievement in core subject areas for all students, especially those students most in need. This purpose is achieved through:

  • Highly qualified teachers
  • Comprehensive reform strategies and methods that are based on the use of scientifically based research
  • Strategies and methods to improve teacher quality and professional development
  • Consolidated use of funds

NH standardized tests in concert with AIMSweb, curriculum based and common assessments, and Fountas and Pinnell benchmarks are used to identify areas of need.  Title I programs are then designed to close identified learning gaps.  The programs are supplemental to classroom instruction and are not intended to replace the core curriculum.  Our Title I programs include parent engagement nights, after school tutoring, math and reading interventions, summer enrichment programs,a supplemental half day of kindergarten, kindergarten camp and leadership meetings.

The Title I program also supports children in grades K-12 who are homeless or in transition.  Each district is required to appoint a Homeless Education Liaison to ensure that the educational needs of homeless children are supported.  Title I funds include a set-aside amount of money to provide supplies and services as needed.

The Homeless Liaison is in communication with the Director of Student Services, school counselors, nurses and enrollment personnel to help identify families in transition and migrant students.  The Director of Student Services’ office monitors students in foster care.  The District is committed to ensuring the same quality educational services for homeless, foster and migrant students by ensuring immediate enrollment and determining transportation needs.  Please see the links to the District’s policies below.

There are Title I funds set aside for parent engagement nights.  Each Title I school has at least two family engagement events each school year e.g. Open House, parent-teacher conferences, PTO Make and Take event, etc.  We desire your input in planning future events.

In addition, this website has information that is important for all Title I parents. Please take a minute to read the Title I Parents' Rights, the Parent Involvement Policy, the School Parent Compact, Title I Complaint policy and the Schoolwide Plans.  We are always looking for input from parents, our dedicated partners in your children’s education.  

If you have specific questions about the Title I program, we have contacts at each building: 

Southwick School - Stephanie Parzick 286-3611

Winnisquam Regional Middle School - Christopher Ennis 286-7143

Winnisquam Regional High School - Angela Friborg 286-4531

Sanbornton Central School - Jason Javalgi 286-8223

Parent Involvement Policy

Parent Involvement Policy

After consultation with and review by parents, SAU #59 developed this written policy to ensure that parents are involved in the planning, design, and implementation of programs.

Parents of Title I students in the Winnisquam Regional School District will be consulted through a questionnaire at least once annually to assess the status of current Title I programs and request recommended modifications, additions and deletions for the upcoming project year. Review of this Parent Involvement Policy will be part of the annual survey. Each spring, all parents will be encouraged to join the planning team to review, evaluate and improve the parent involvement policy.

Participation of parents in their own child's programs will be encouraged through completion of a parent survey of the child's skills, interests, and learning habits as part of the development of an annual plan for the student. Quarterly progress reports at the middle school and trimester at the elementary schools and the opportunity for conferences will, along with the monthly Title I newsletter, provide parents with periodic updating and allow for sharing information and ideas.

The annual open house and Title I meeting at each school allows the parent to learn more about the program and visit informally with staff in the Title I site. When parents receive the annual survey, they will be invited to join the planning team that will evaluate and make improvements to the following year's program.

Parents are encouraged to call and/or come in to speak with tutors or the project manager any time they have questions or concerns.