“Every Child is Ours” (ECIO) is a non-profit organization with the goal of providing children in need with food and supplies. We believe that no child should be left hungry."
As the cost of groceries continues to increase, family food insecurity is a growing problem in our community. ECIO assists families by delivering food bags of healthy food to the schools to assist with weekend meals.
If you feel your family would benefit from this program, please contact your school coordinator from the list below. The coordinator will distribute bags to the students whose families have requested this service before the end of the day on Fridays.
Southwick School–Ann MacDonald, School Counselor amacdonald@wrsdsau59.org 603-286-3611 ext. 4620
Sanbornton Central School–Kellie Allen, RN, School Nurse kallen@wrsdsau59.org 603-286-8223 ext. 3630
Winnisquam Middle School–Susan Hewey, Teacher shewey@wrsdsau59.org 603-286-7143 ext. 2318
Winnisquam High School–Kristina Renaud, RN, School Nurse krenaud@wrsdsau59.org 603-286-4531 ext. 1630