Who can help students living in temporary housing? Every school district must appoint a McKinney-Vento liaison to help children and youth in temporary housing participate in school.
Can a student enroll themself in school? Yes, youth living in temporary housing and not with their parents or legal guardian (known as unaccompanied youth) can enroll themselves in school. Click here to learn more about unaccompanied youth.
Can a students who is living in temporary housing stay in the same school even if they find housing outside of the school district? Yes, the student has the right to attend the school they attended when they were permanently housed so long as it is determined to be feasible and in the child's best interest. Click here to learn more about school selection.
If a student moves into permanent housing can they stay in the same school? Yes, students who move into permanent housing can stay in the same school until the end of the school year.
Once found eligible, when will my child begin to receive free breakfast and lunch? As soon as a student is found eligible under the McKinney-Vento Act, they are immediately eligible for free breakfast and lunch. No application needs to be submitted, this is a direct certification instance.
How do I dispute an eligibility and/or school placement decision? Click here to access the McKinney-Vento School Enrollment/Eligibility Requirements and NH Department of Education Homeless Education Dispute and Resolution Process.
Who is the NH State Coordinator and Director of Homeless Education for the Department of Homeless Education? Christina Dotson can be reached at 603-271-3840 or Christina.L.Dotson@doe.nh.gov